There's no denying that most traditional cottages and cabins tend to be more located on more rugged terrain, and that the activities that take place there, whether of leisure or labour, are often somewhat risky by nature. This, combined with a remote location or any significant distance from a population center, means that help can be a long time coming. It is imperative that you have the know-how and the proper medical supplies to treat minor injuries yourself, and the ability to stabilize someone who is more seriously hurt for a potentially lengthy journey to medical assitance. To put it bluntly, if you own a cottage or cabin you should consider yourself personally responsible for the safety of your guests, and undertake CPR and first aid instruction.
At a bare minimum, your first aid kit should contain the following staples:
- Antiseptic salve
- Ice Pack
- Sterile cotton
- Adhesive tape/dressings
- Pre-made donut-style compression rings
- Elastic bandage
- Roll of gauze
- Gauze pads
- Splint bandages
- Nonstick bandages
- Aspirin and acetaminophin
- Fabric for sling
- Cotton swabs
- Sterile pads
- Calamine lotion
- Ipecac syrup
- First aid manual
- Plastic gloves
- Sewing needles
- Surgical scissors
- Tweezers
- Disinfectant hand soap
- Safety pins
Hot-water bottle
You should know how each item in the first aid kit is intended to be used, and if you should need to use it, be sure to replace the item as soon as possible. You should also be sure to write out emergency instructions appropriate for your location. Ideally, you'll have a list beside the telephone with numbers for police, fire and ambulance, but of course these aren't always all available...even access to a telephone is not a sure thing. If you are the one who is incapacitated, your guests must know who to call and must also be able to describe to them the exact location of your cottage, and possibly even need to describe the quickest route to it.