Project: The Deck
There is no place at our cottage that gets more use than the deck. The morning coffee, the afternoon (sun over the yardarm, don't ya know) beer, the evening barbeque, the port under the stars...all taste better in the fresh air. We love our deck. It's extremely spacious and we've yet to crack the railing or put our foot through a board, but it could definitely use some attention... |
All Hands On Deck Friday, September 17, 2004
One of the main features that attracted us to our cottage was the large and spacious deck. At sixteen feet by thirty-two feet it has more than enough room for everyone who stays over to sprawl out on, with space left over for a barbeque and picnic table. The problem is that when the deck was built, it wasn't exactly constructed to meet code, or even built with a conventional design, and it has been sadly neglected in the interim. It's basically a recipe for disaster, if not litigation.
Related Resources
Deck Construction
Ask the Builder has great advice on making sure you get your deck built correctly the first time.
Deck Maintenance
Once it is built, you will need to put some effort into keeping your deck looking beautiful...Ask the Builder tells you how.